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The Loco Economist

An Economic Blog

Home: Welcome

So you want to raise the minimum wage... As many of you are aware, this has been a long running theme through my blog: Microeconomic...

Pitchfork Economics

I should probably apologize for not having posted in so long; however, that is the nice thing about having this blog. One of my friends...

Big, Bad Oil Part II

Here we go again! Having just witnessed the biggest whiplash in gasoline prices in my 30 year career, I knew it was coming. As gasoline...

Big, Bad Oil

No matter how much I write about fuel prices and economics, similar questions keep popping up. In my 30 years as a petroleum...

Friedman for the Win!!

I just love it when my economic hero is quoted, and they even used the quote I've been stealing for my entire economic teaching career: ...

Death and Taxes: Who bears the cost?? It was the first of July 2021,...

Inequality & Free Markets

Could it be that income inequality is not solely the result of free markets? Andy makes the case that the root cause lies with the "Four...

The PPE Police and Free Markets!

Sorry for the long pause since last post! Birth of granddaughter, the holidays, Covid, etc. Such is life, right? Came across this...

Going Green!

Well, so much for getting started on my post about California Water. GV Wire (a local news outlet) reached out to me for comment on Gov...

Watch Your Step...

Do you think the homeless respond to incentives? If so, one of the most basic tenets of economics holds true. All of us, including the...

The Basics!

I was going to jump into the topic of "California Exporting Pollution" but I think some economic foundation is in order . Before I...

Milton Friedman

I've been thinking of starting a blog for quite some time as I've grown weary of the divisive nature of social media. My entire adult...

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